
Let’s first talk about functions. There are so many ways are there to define a function (which actually “inherits” an object) in JavaScript.

JavaScript treats functions and objects as first-class citizens, which means they can be defined, called, passed, returned, or do anything else much like you can do to a variable. Here are examples of how to declare a function (that I know).

// the traditional way
function add(x, y) {
  return x + y;
add(4, 5); // returns 9
// function literal
var add = function (x, y) {
  return x + y;
add(4, 5); // returns 9
// function literal with function name
// the function name is useful for recursion
var add = function foo (x, y) {
  return x + y;
add(4, 5); // returns 9
// anonymous function
function (x, y) {
  return x + y;
}(4, 5) // returns 9

// An anonymous function must be invoked at the moment of declaration, 
// otherwise there would be no way of calling it.
// Or it can be simply used as a parameter to another function
// this is often the case in jQuery functions

One great thing about function as first class citizens is that they can be passed in to other functions as parameters.

// this works with either way of declaring a function
var add = function (x, y) {
  return x + y;

var foo = function (func, a, b) {
  return func(a, b);

foo(add, 4, 5); // returns 9

This is a really contrived example. But, it does show how the add function can be passed into foo and called. A good example is the map function in some functional program languages, like in Scheme. map takes two parameters, first one a function, and second one a list, and it applies the function to every element of the list and spit out a new list

;; create a list of numbers
(define myList (list 1 2 3 4))

;; define a function that does something magical to the parameter
(define (magic x)
 (+ (* x x) x))

;; apply map using the magic function to myList
(map magic myList) ;; returns '(2, 6, 12, 20)


Objects are even more interesting. They can be pretty much declared in the same way as functions, but there’s a bit more to them.

// most simple object
var student = {
  first_name: "Tony",
  last_name: "Tang",
  age: 15,
  english: 95,
  math: 97,
  geography: 85,
  history: 78,
  gym: 85,
  get_average: function() {
    return (this.english + this.math + this.geography + this.history + this.gym) / 5;
// an object named student is instantiated with the fields
// the form is identical to the JSON format
student.first_name; // returns "Tony"
student.first_name = "Bob";
student.firsT_name; // returns "Bob"
student.get_average(); // calculates average of the 5 courses. 88

The same can be done with a form similar to an anonymous function

// object in form of an anonymous function
var Student = function() {
  var first_name, last_name, english, math, geography, history, gym;
  var get_average = function() {
    return (this.english + this.math + this.geography + this.history + this.gym) / 5;
// with this, it becomes a constructor
// we can create a new Student class with the new keyword
// note 'Student' is capitalized because of constructor
//  convention that first letter be capitalized

student_1 = new Student;
student_2 = new Student;
// I just created two new instances of the Student object
// each object is unique on its on
student_1.first_name = "Tony";
student_2.first_name = "Bob";

student_1.first_name; // returns "Tony"
student_2.first_name; // returns "Bob"

Actually a function is an object

// object in form of a function
function Student() {
  // fields and methods go here
// Same as previous example

Adding function directly into the constructor looks like classes in other Object-Oriented Language, like Java or C++. However, it is not the optimal way of add functions in JavaScript Objects.

JavaScript is a prototypal language. So everything “inherits” an object. Student is a prototype created from Object. To add functions to an object efficiently is through using the .prototype.function property

// object in form of a function
function Student() {
  // fields and methods go here

// to add a function called full_name
Student.prototype.full_name = function() {
  return this.first_name + " " + this.last_name;

var student_1 = new Student();
student_1.first_name = "Tony";
student_1.last_name = "Tang";
student_1.full_name(); // returns "Tony Tang"

By creating Object’s method through prototype is much faster because it is how JavaScript intended to process objects. Inheritance is simple, invoke this before adding any methods Student.prototype = Object.create(ParentObject.prototype);. Student prototype will be a copy of the prototype of another Object, so it “inherits” all the functionality of the other Object.