So now I have redmine up and running on Heroku, it would be really nice for me to direct it to something like or

If it’s anything similar to making to point to, then I should be able to quickly change it in Namecheap’s DNS settings and add a CNAME file in the heroku app.

I’m following this guide. First look it is fairly long. But I’m going to break it down, so only the necessary part will be summarized.

  1. Login to Namecheap then select Number of domains in your account view

  2. Select the domain you wish to change DNS for

  3. On the sidebar, select All Host Records under Host Management

  4. On the Sub-Domain Settings, add a new entry

    Host Name - the subdomain name. For example,, wiki is the host name.

    IP Address/URL - the address that the subdomain should direct to. For example, should show the content on, is the ip address.

    Record Type - CNAME (Alias)

    TTL (Time to Live) - The time it takes for a change to refresh. If you don’t plan on changing it, use something like 86400. It is measured in seconds, so 86400 is 24 hours. I chose something small for now, just in case I screw something up, I don’t need to wait that long. But I will be changing it to 86400.

  5. In terminal, cd to the app’s local directory. Then enter heroku domains:add Replace with the domain that it is supposed to redirect to.