Note: this is meant to be a somewhat guide to getting started with posting using Jekyll and with Markdown

This is the first in Jekyll, and the very first markdown I ever written. With the YAML Front Matter, I can name, date, and cateogrize this page.

layout: post
title:  "This is my post!"
date:   2014-09-06 23:48:04
categories: jekyll first

After writing this post, I can run jekyll build to build my website. This will add this markdown post to _site directory.

The _config.yml file includes all the global configuration settings. Go to jekyll configuration page to find all the configuration options. There are many “variables” that are not on that site. These variables can be used in your pages and posts. For example, twitter-username are used in footer.html to set up link to your twitter account. Also, it is interesting to note that the icons are drawn using svg.

Markdown, Textile, Liquid, Redcarpet, kramdown, etc.###

These names are still quite confusing to me. As of the date of writing, this is my understanding. Markdown and textile are both a markup language that transforms into HTML. Liquid is a templating system Jekyll uses, it has nothing to do with the other ones. Redcarpet and kramdown are markup processors. Redcarpet renders textile, and kramdown renders markdown. Kramdown also supports LaTex math. I can probably use that for math/cs notes.

Embed Images

This is an imagine.

![Alt text]({ {site.url} }/assets/file.ext) embeds an image from { {site.url} }/assets/myface.jpg is where that image is stored. Do note the usage of { {site.url} }. Liquid automatically transform the double bracket site.url to the variable from _config.yml.

Now of course markdown doesn’t have a way of specifying image sizes. I definitley don’t want my face to be that big. So I’ll have to resort to <img> tags like so

Links are almost identical to images. You can try <>. Email is the same Or do [url name]( It is all the same

Back to the Basics

* list
* list
* list

1 ordered
2 ordered
3 ordered


Code block is done by tabbing
Or done with { % highlight lang % } { % endhighlight % } 
	(ignore the spaces between { and %, liquid replaces them)

Inline code is done with ` and `. It is [SHIFT] + ~ the key next to 1

hr is ---

# h1 #
## h2 ##